Ananda Full Spectrum Hemp CBD Oil 2000mg, 50ml Tincture
Ananda Full Spectrum Hemp CBD Oil 2000mg, 50ml Tincture

Ananda Full Spectrum Hemp CBD Oil 2000mg, 50ml Tincture


New larger size bottle of full-spectrum hemp from Ananda Professional. This 50ml bottle contains a total of 2000mg of active cannabinoids. You get 40 mg cannabinoids in each 1ml serving. Save money when you purchase this concentrated blend. All Ananda products are tested at least three times by third-party certified cannabis and food testing labs to verify the consistency of products.

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Certificate of Analysis

Product Specs

  • 50ml bottle
  • 600mg of active cannabinoids per bottle
  • 20mg of active cannabinoids per serving
  • Broad Spectrum of Cannabinoids with zero THC
  • Carried in cold-pressed hemp seed oil
  • MCT Oil
  • Plant-based ingredients
  • Made in the USA


Ananda Hemp Flower Extract
Raw, Cold-Pressed Hemp Seed Oil
Botanical Terpene Blend

Discover full-spectrum hemp oil

Made in the USA and delivered to you "farm to table." Ananda full-spectrum hemp flower extracts are organic and infused with coconut oil and nutrient-rich hemp seed oil. Benefit from the full-spectrum of cannabinoids--not just CBD--when you choose this complete blend. This is important because to date, 113 cannabinoids naturally found in hemp have been identified.

Buyer Beware

Only buy hemp-CBD products from a manufacturer or retailer that sells products that are third party tested and can provide a Certificate of Analysis (COA). Ananda Professional's Hemp-CBD product meet all of the requirements and adhere to the FFDCA.

Many CBD-hemp products on the market do not comply with the (FFDCA), may be ILLEGAL, may not contain the concentration they claim and may be unsafe. In fact, the FDA has issued warnings to some large manufacturers -- some that are even publicly traded companies -- for mislabeling. Undercover testing has also identified products that either contain a substantially lower concentration of cannabinoids than claimed and/or are over the maximum amount of THC permitted by Federal law.

What is the difference between full-spectrum and isolated hemp?

Full-spectrum means that hemp flower extract is delivered to you in its purity. The varieties of cannabinoids are important because our body also makes cannabinoids, called endocannabinoids. They too are various. In fact, Anandamide was the first endocannabinoid identified.

Cannabinoids found in the hemp are called phytocannabinoids. When you "feed" your body hemp, you are boosting your own natural helping boost the natural supply made by your body.

What is the Entourage Effect?

Full-spectrum hemp flower extract enables the cannabinoids to work together. As a whole, they create a stronger benefit than each would have alone. This amplified benefit is called the Entourage Effect.

What is the ECS?

It has been proven that humans and other mammals (that have been studied, so far) have an Endocannabinoid System (ECS). The ECS is made up of compounds called cannabinoids and related receptors. The cannabinoids and receptors bind to complete an internal "message cycle" that delivers instructions to the body to carry out essential daily functions and keep the body healthy.

What are the names of other cannabinoids besides CBD?

  • Cannabigerol (CBG), may reduce inflammation, pain, and nausea; slow the proliferation of cancer cells, and ease migraines and glaucoma by reducing intraocular eye pressure. The potential anti-inflammatory properties of CBG may benefit people with inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn’s Disease, and cancer.
  • Cannabichromene (CBC) may help relieve pain and have antidepressant properties.
  • Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV) is heavily researched by the medical community as a potential alternative to help manage type II diabetes.

What is a tincture?

A tincture is a dropper that is used to "drop" the hemp oil into your mouth. Ananda Professional hemp-CBD oils are meant to be placed under the tongue. This allows the oil to bypass the digestive system for direct absorption into the body.

Why should I buy hemp from a pharmacy?

Again, you want to be sure of what you are buying. Ananda Professional carefully selects pharmacies that can sell their products. Parker's Pharmacy is one of them, If you have any questions, our pharmacists are trained and can provide assistance.

Which Shipping Methods Are Available?

All items are processed within 1-2 business days and are shipped via UPS standard 2-3 day shipping.

Do You Ship Internationally?

Currently, Pharm + CBD only ships within the continental United States. Please check back soon to discover new shipping locations.

How Do I Return A Product?

The Pharm + CBD Shop allows for a 14-day return policy. Buyer must contact Pharm + CBD within the 14 days to notify of (1) shipping, (2) tracking number, and (3) reason for return. Once returned, your refund will be processed within 5 business days. Refunds do not include return shipping or initial shipping costs.

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